Wednesday, January 10, 2007

My First Babies

Meet Daisy and Deiter, my long-haired mini-dachshunds. (Deiter is the black and tan, Daisy is the red-head!) They will turn 5 (well, 35 in dog years!) in February. They are litter-mates and are inseparable. I am a total dog person, and Daisy and Deiter are a big part of my life!

I really need some HHCC on these, so please don't hold back. I am venturing into new territory (i.e.- out of auto!), and I could use some pointers. These are SOOC.

Here is Deiter:

Exposure: 1/20
Aperture: f/5.6
Focal Length: 135 mm
ISO Speed: 800
Mode: AV
No flash, available indoor light.
I used my counter as a tripod and used the timer.

And this one, settings the same, except the exposure was 1/5:
And, Daisy:

Exposure: 1/125
Aperture: f/5.6
Focal Length: 60 mm
ISO Speed: 800
Natural, outdoor light.


cephotos said...

cutie puppies!!!! I would really like to see the one of daisy as a portrait - just focusing in on her without so much of the background. Either way, I love them!

. said...

What a cute dog! My dd loves dogs and asks everyday if we could get one. LOL! The last picture looks a little washed out. I'd like to see something more eye level with less of the deck background.

Dar Kaso said...

Cute pooches, great captures.

Anonymous said...

what cuties! Great shots - especially like the 2nd one - the exposure is better on it. nice captures!!

Sarah Heggie said...

Cute puppies! Good work in low light and venturing past AUTO and adjusting your exposure compensation!

cristina said...

i like the top shots better than the bottom one. maybe if you shot at eye level (like donna suggested) it would feel more personal.
the slower shutter speed on your second shot really helps bring more light to the picture and is definitely a better setting for this shot.
keep up the good work! remember, it's only digital!

Krissynae said...

look at those beautiful faces. Beautiful shots and great angles

Michelle said...

gotta agree...i love the second one! makes me want to reach out and pet him. cute!

Sheri said...

omg- they're adorable!